Page 112 - UBP - IR2020
P. 112

Natural capital
For the past two years we have strived as as a a a a a Group to explore avenues to better manage our environmental impact We believe that that it is crucial that that we as individuals companies and consumers become more mindful in in our strategic management as as well as as day-to-day decisions and activities We also believe in in offering products and services that are both innovative and more environmentally friendly Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) sensitisation
In January 2016 world leaders agreed on on on an an an action plan based on on on 17 goals that will help make the world a a a a a better place to live in by 2030 All countries including Mauritius are called upon to to contribute to to the protection of our planet Thus our ambition is is to raise awareness among the Group's employees on on these 17 SDGs so they become more engaged in in sustainability actions both at at work and in their everyday life Each week for a a a a a a duration of 17 weeks an internal communication is sent for each one of the 17 SDGs illustrating examples of simple actions that can be taken to implement them Simultaneously a a a a a a quiz competition is is organised at regular intervals to to to provide a a a a a fun and engaging way to to to learn In order to to to develop intrapreneurship we will further encourage employees to come up with projects projects based on what they have learnt The winners of the the best projects projects will be rewarded Gros Cailloux 112 - UBP INTEGRATED REPORT 2020 

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